Tháng Bảy 7, 2024

Exclusive: Harrison Ford Spills the Beans on His Dream Destination – You Won’t Believe Where!

Harrison Ford Reveals He’s Most Excited to Visit Mongolia

In a recent interview, legendary actor Harrison Ford revealed that the country he is most excited to visit is Mongolia. Ford said he has always been fascinated by Mongolia’s nomadic culture, spiritual heritage, and stunning natural landscapes. At 77 years old, Ford is still seeking out new adventures and expanding his horizons. His upcoming trip to Mongolia demonstrates Ford’s endless curiosity about the world.

Ford’s interest in Mongolia is longstanding. He said he first became intrigued by the country after seeing photos of the vast, rugged steppe landscapes. The endless blue skies and sweeping grasslands spoke to Ford’s spirit of exploration. In Mongolia, one can still experience the freedom of an untouched, wide-open wilderness.

Beyond the scenery, Ford is also drawn to the traditional nomadic culture of Mongolia. For centuries, nomadic herders have roamed the steppes, living in circular ger tents and moving seasonally with their livestock. Ford is eager to witness this traditional lifestyle firsthand before it disappears entirely in modern times. He wants to ride horses across the steppes alongside Mongolian herders and experience their self-sufficient way of life.

In addition to the landscapes and nomadic culture, Ford said he is also fascinated by Mongolia’s long Buddhist history. Mongolia was the center of the largest contiguous empire in history under the rule of Genghis Khan in the 13th century. Buddhism spread throughout Asia at this time along the Silk Road trade routes. Ford wants to visit the Buddhist monasteries and temples that still contain wisdom from eight centuries ago. He hopes to glean some understanding of the culture that produced these architectural marvels.

With interests spanning scenery, culture and history, Ford has many destinations he wants to visit in Mongolia. Here are some of the top places he mentioned he is most excited to see:

The Gobi Desert

The Gobi is one of the most remarkable desert landscapes on earth. It stretches across southern Mongolia into China. An ecosystem unlike any other, the Gobi contains high mountains, sand dunes, salt flats, rocky outcrops and stony flat plains. Experiencing the sheer vastness and silence of the desert is an incredible experience. Ford said he cannot wait to sleep out under the stars in the Gobi, away from any signs of civilization. The clarity of the night sky in the desert is unparalleled.


Kharkhorin was the capital of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century during Genghis Khan’s reign. The ruins of the old capital still remain as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Over 200 years, Kharkhorin was a vibrant center of trade along the Silk Road and the main hub of Buddhism in the Mongol Empire. Ford is excited to walk among the crumbling walls and imagine what the capital was once like as home to kings and queens. He also wants to visit the Erdene Zuu Monastery, which contains Mongolia’s oldest Buddhist temple.

The Altai Mountains

Located in extreme western Mongolia near the borders with China and Russia, the Altai Mountains are a remote and magical region. The snow-capped peaks harbor unique wildlife like argali sheep, ibex and snow leopards. It is also home to the highest peak in Mongolia, Tavan Bogd. Ford cannot wait to hike in the Altais and breathe the pure, high-altitude air. He may even spot some of the rare wildlife that roam through the rugged terrain.

A Day with a Nomadic Family

One experience Ford is most looking forward to is spending time with a nomadic herding family. He wants to experience life in a traditional ger and sample unique foods like fermented mare’s milk. Ford hopes to assist in daily activities like herding sheep and goats or harnessing camels. Above all, he is interested in connecting with a culture so different from his own modern American life. For Ford, this is the essence of travel – building empathy and understanding through shared human experiences.

Horseback Riding

No trip to Mongolia would be complete without horseback riding across the steppe. Mongolians have been expert horsemen for millennia, and horses are an integral part of their traditional culture. Ford is an experienced rider and said there is nothing he wants to do more than gallop freely through the Mongolian wilderness. He imagines thundering across the open grasslands underneath a towering blue sky, like Mongol warriors centuries ago. It will be an experience of ultimate freedom.

Visiting Monasteries

In addition to the ancient capital city, Ford wants to visit active Buddhist monasteries around Mongolia. He is particularly interested in Gandantegchinlen Monastery, a holy site that has been an important center of Buddhism since the 19th century. He hopes to speak to monks and learn about their lives devoted to spirituality. Ford has practiced Buddhism himself for many years, so this experience will no doubt be impactful.

Exploring Ulaanbaatar

When he needs a break from the vast Mongolian wilderness, Ford plans to spend some time in the capital Ulaanbaatar. He intends to visit the National History Museum to learn more about Mongolia’s past as a global empire. He also wants to see the famous statue of Genghis Khan on horseback at Sukhbaatar Square. For a change of pace, Ford will explore the urban side of Mongolian culture in the thriving city center.

Trying Unique Foods

While in Mongolia, Ford will make sure to sample all the unique food and beverages. He is particularly interested in trying airag, the traditional fermented horse milk. He also wants to taste boodog, Mongolia’s national dish of goat or marmot cooked by tossing hot stones into a sealed container to boil the meat. To round out meals, he will try many dairy products like dried curd and yogurt. Ford enjoys experiencing new cultures through local cuisine.


One of Ford’s main motivations for visiting Mongolia is the incredible stargazing. Mongolia has very little light pollution due to its low population density and lack of major cities. The result is an astonishingly clear view of the Milky Way. Ford cannot wait to sit out under the stars in the Gobi and look up at the galaxy stretching across the sky. For an actor who has played characters adventuring through space, stargazing in Mongolia will be an incredible highlight.

Harrison Ford’s upcoming trip to Mongolia promises to be the experience of a lifetime. For such an accomplished actor who has traveled the world over, Mongolia remains the last great frontier he has yet to explore. He clearly has a deep fascination with and respect for the endless steppes, nomadic culture, Buddhist spirituality, and unspoiled wilderness Mongolia has to offer. At an age when most people are settling into retirement, Ford is as adventurous as ever, pursuing his passion for exploration.

Ford’s fans are excited to see this rugged, spirited side of the star as he ventures into new territory. No matter the remote location or obscure local food, Ford approaches new experiences with humor and enthusiasm to connect with people from vastly different backgrounds than himself. His love of exploration demonstrates that age should not be a barrier to pursuing your interests. Ford’s inspiring lifelong curiosity and sense of wonder are what make him such a legendary star.

There is no doubt Ford’s trip to Mongolia will provide stunning photos and stories when he returns. He may even draw creative inspiration for future acting roles from his experiences in the Far East. While he enjoys tremendous fame from his acting career, Ford remains grounded in his core passion for adventure. At a time when most people are contemplating retirement, Ford is galloping across the Mongolian steppe, always looking toward the next unforgettable experience on the horizon. When he finally returns from Mongolia, there is no doubt Ford’s fans will be ready to eagerly follow along whatever exhilarating adventure comes next.

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