Tháng Bảy 7, 2024

Exclusive: Cardi B Spills the Tea on Tracks That Won’t Make her Playlist Cut!

Cardi B has become one of the biggest stars in hip hop since emerging on the scene in 2017. With multiple chart-topping singles and a critically acclaimed debut album under her belt, she’s proven herself as not just a talented rapper but also a savvy businesswoman. However, even the biggest artists have songs they connect with less than others. While Cardi B herself has never openly criticized any of her own releases, it’s an interesting thought experiment to analyze what songs she may dislike based on context clues and her established musical style. In this article, we’ll explore some possible songs Cardi B might not be the biggest fan of and theorize why.

Early Leaks and Unfinished Demos

One possibility is songs that leaked or circulated as unfinished demos before being properly completed and released. Artists rarely enjoy hearing early, unpolished versions of their work that weren’t intended for public consumption. Cardi B’s breakthrough hit “Bodak Yellow” famously leaked months before the official release of her debut album Invasion of Privacy. While the leaked version was still a hit, it’s easy to imagine Cardi B wasn’t thrilled about people hearing her song before she felt it was ready.

Other songs could have leaked or been shared among her team in demo form that she may now dislike. Unfinished recordings often lack final touches like additional verses, polished production, or improved mixing and mastering. Cardi B is known to obsess over perfecting her craft, so hearing early versions that don’t represent her final vision could be irritating. The quality may not be up to her standards. Lyrics, flows, or even entire sections could have changed significantly by the time of the official release.

Songs With a Different Style

Much of Cardi B’s appeal comes from her high-energy braggadocious style and unapologetic lyrics about sex, money, and female empowerment. However, not every song she records may fit this mold. It’s possible she recorded some tracks exploring different styles or subject matters that just didn’t feel authentic for her. For example, she may have tried recording slower, more melodic songs that didn’t suit her brash persona. Ballads or songs delving too deeply into emotional vulnerability may not have clicked.

Cardi B could also dislike songs that were too far outside hip hop or trap styles. Experimenting with pop-leaning choruses, rock-inspired instrumentals, or other genres may have led to songs she now sees as inauthentic. Her fans love her for her raw, unfiltered hip hop energy – diverging too much from that sound risks alienating her core audience. While expanding her style is admirable, Cardi B seems most comfortable embracing what made her famous in the first place. Songs veering too far from that formula may not get her seal of approval.

Failed Collaborations

Collaborating with other artists opens up creative possibilities but also risks clashes if the collaborators’ visions don’t align. Cardi B has worked with many talented musicians, but not every pairing may have gelled as well as others. Songs from collaborations where she felt her part didn’t mesh could be ones she now dislikes.

For example, leaked demos exist of Cardi B collaborating with DJ Khaled in the early stages of her career. While they’ve since worked together successfully, their styles are quite different – Khaled specializes in anthemic, all-star collabs while Cardi B shines on grittier solo tracks. A song where their energies didn’t synergize as hoped could leave her cold.

Failed collaborations could also include songs where her verse simply didn’t fit the vibe set by her collaborator’s contributions. Even small misalignments in flow, topic, or overall feel between artists can undermine a track. With so many collaborations under her belt, it’s likely at least one didn’t come together as envisioned in the studio.


While Cardi B herself has never publicly criticized any of her own songs, it’s an entertaining thought experiment to analyze what tracks may not be her personal favorites. Early leaks, experiments in different styles, and collaborations where visions didn’t align all provide plausible opportunities for songs she now dislikes. Of course, these are just educated guesses – her tastes may evolve over time, and she generally promotes all her work professionally. But dissecting the possibilities offers fun insights into the artistry of one of music’s biggest current stars. Even the most successful artists have room for growth, and seeing where Cardi B has come from provides perspective on her incredible rise to fame.

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