Tháng Bảy 5, 2024

Discover Cardi B’s foolproof strategies for handling internet trolls like a boss!

Cardi B has risen to become one of the biggest stars in music today. With multiple chart-topping hits and a bold, outspoken personality, she’s captured the attention of fans worldwide. However, fame and success have also brought critics and online trolls looking to tear her down. Yet Cardi B has proven quite adept at shutting down negativity and protecting her mental wellbeing. Through a mix of vulnerability, resilience, humor, and focusing on positivity, she’s established effective strategies for dealing with trolls. Let’s take a deeper look at Cardi B’s approach.

Been There, Done That

One of Cardi B’s greatest strengths is that she’s remained grounded despite achieving superstardom. Growing up in the Bronx, she faced many challenges and hardships before breaking into the music industry. Cardi B is open about struggling financially, experiencing racism as a Afro-Latina woman, and dealing with body-shaming even prior to fame. This background gives her perspective that online trolls lack power over her.

In a 2020 interview with Mariah Carey for Interview magazine, Cardi B reflected on how her upbringing prepared her. “I’m not afraid of online bullying or negative comments about my music or the way I look because I’ve experienced real situations that were scarier than online bullies,” she said. Having faced true adversity, mean comments from strangers don’t hold the same weight.

This attitude was evident even earlier in her career. In a 2017 interview with GQ, Cardi B discussed releasing her breakout hit “Bodak Yellow” and gaining new levels of fame and scrutiny. However, she wasn’t intimidated. “I’ve been through a lot of s*** in my life, so these people can’t tell me nothing to put me down,” she stated confidently.

By acknowledging her past struggles publicly, Cardi B shows trolls she’s been through far worse and won’t be affected by superficial criticisms. It gives her an armor against negativity those coming from a place of privilege lack. Her background fuels resilience and perspective in the face of online attacks.

Vulnerability and Strength

While Cardi B presents herself as tough and unwavering, she’s also shown vulnerability regarding trolls’ comments – particularly about her appearance. In a 2018 interview with Cosmopolitan, she opened up about “really letting people get to me” when they criticized her body after giving birth. However, she’s harnessed that vulnerability into a source of strength.

After facing body-shaming, Cardi B used her platform to promote body positivity for new mothers. She posted unretouched photos embracing her post-baby figure and received overwhelming support. It empowered her to shut down insecurities trolls tried to instill.

This balance of acknowledging weakness but not wallowing in it is a key part of Cardi B’s strategy. She told Cosmopolitan: “I realized that I can’t let people get to me like that anymore, because that’s what they want—for me to feel some type of way.” By speaking her truth, she takes their power away.

It also gives fans struggling with similar issues hope. In a 2020 interview with Mariah Carey, Cardi B said sharing her vulnerabilities was important “to make people feel comfortable in their own skin.” This social responsibility fuels her strength against online attacks. While trolls want to see celebrities crumble, Cardi B’s openness about insecurities has had the opposite effect – it’s empowered her.

Hit Back (Sometimes)

Of course, not all trolls deserve empathy or vulnerability. Sometimes they just need to be put in their place – and Cardi B is more than willing to do so with her signature wit. She’s gained a reputation for clapping back at online haters in hilarious fashion, leaving them with little room to respond.

A prime example came in 2018 when an Instagram user commented that Cardi B’s music career was only successful due to her relationship with Offset. She promptly shut them down, writing “You must got a job at f****** McDonald’s cause you know damn well I was popular as f*** before I met Offset.” The response went viral for its comedic timing and accuracy.

In another instance in 2020, a Twitter user tried to provoke Cardi B by calling her a “retard.” She replied succinctly with “Suck my dick,” flipping their harmful language back on them to great effect. These types of comebacks disarm trolls by catching them off guard and showcasing Cardi B’s quick wit.

However, she’s also said in interviews that she picks her battles carefully. Not every hater deserves a response, as that just gives them more attention. Her clapbacks seem strategically deployed only against the most provoking or inaccurate critics. This ensures she’s having the last laugh rather than instigating further negativity.

Focus on the Positive

At the same time, Cardi B recognizes online trolls are just a small fraction of voices, and she focuses energy on those who love and support her. She’s amassed a hugely dedicated fanbase, known as the Bardi Gang, and works to cultivate positivity within that community specifically.

In 2020, she told Mariah Carey her fans “have really been there for me during my dark times.” This loyal support network helps shield her from temporary online storms. Even when facing scandals or criticism, trending hashtags from fans like #CardiBIsInnocent show their commitment.

Cardi B frequently praises and interacts with supporters on social media. She shares candid moments highlighting their bond, like a 2020 Instagram video thanking fans for birthday wishes with her daughter Kulture. Staying grounded in genuine admiration counters attempts to get under her skin.

The star also leads by example, using her platform regularly to uplift other women, especially those of color. She champions diversity and empowerment in her messaging. This redirects negativity into spreading more positivity in the world.


Through openness about her past, willingness to be vulnerable yet resilient, comedic clapbacks when needed, and focusing on cultivating love, Cardi B has crafted nuanced strategies for dealing with online trolls. She understands the importance of maintaining perspective, acknowledging humanity in herself and others, but also not tolerating harmful speech.

By protecting her mental wellbeing in these balanced ways, Cardi B continues thriving on her own terms. Her approach serves as an inspiring model for any public figure facing criticism or anyone struggling with online bullying. It proves fame doesn’t require losing one’s sense of self or tensing up against the world. With resilience, humor and compassion, negativity can be transformed into positive change.

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