Tháng Bảy 8, 2024

Privacy matters: Discover how Pink and Lisa Marie Presley navigate fame and friendship in the public eye

Early Days and Shared Struggles

When Pink first moved to Los Angeles in the late 1990s to pursue her career in music, she was just a young artist trying to make a name for herself in a tough industry. Looking back, she has said those early years were some of the loneliest of her life as she worked hard to breakthrough. That’s when she met Lisa Marie Presley, who had also grown up in the spotlight as the daughter of Elvis Presley.

Though Lisa Marie was born into fame, she faced her own challenges in establishing an independent musical identity outside of her famous father. The two women bonded over their experiences navigating the music business as young artists. “We both came from these iconic families but were trying to make it on our own terms and prove ourselves,” Pink recalled in a 2020 interview.

Their shared struggles of trying to succeed in the cutthroat music world while under constant public scrutiny brought Pink and Lisa Marie together. “It was nice to have someone who truly got what I was going through,” Pink said. As two of the only prominent female artists in the industry at the time, they also supported each other in fighting against the sexism that still pervaded the male-dominated music business.

Collaboration and Public Appearances

Pink and Lisa Marie’s friendship grew strong over the years. In 2005, Lisa Marie released her fifth studio album “Now What” which featured a song called “Shine” that she had co-written with Pink. It was one of the first times the public got to see their creative collaboration.

The song dealt with themes of inner strength and self-empowerment. During interviews about the album, Lisa Marie praised Pink for being “an amazing songwriter” and said working with her on “Shine” was “a real pleasure.” Their creative partnership showed the deep trust and respect they had built in their friendship.

In addition to collaborating musically, Pink and Lisa Marie also supported each other’s careers by attending industry events together. In January 2007, they were photographed at Clive Davis’ prestigious pre-GRAMMY party, where many of music’s biggest names socialized. Their public appearances arm-in-arm emphasized that their bond had become an enduring friendship, not just a professional relationship.

Mutual Respect and Admiration

Over the years, Pink has openly talked about what Lisa Marie Presley’s friendship meant to her personally and professionally during some of her loneliest times. In a 2008 interview, she called Lisa Marie “one of my first friends in Los Angeles” and said “she was so good to me.” Pink admired Lisa Marie for her strength and creativity.

“She really paved the way for so many women in the industry, myself included,” Pink said. “To have her believe in me and take me under her wing early on, it gave me so much confidence.” Their bond seemed to be one built on mutual understanding, respect for each other’s talents, and a desire to empower other women in the music business.

Lisa Marie also spoke fondly about Pink in interviews. She praised her work ethic and said Pink’s success was “very inspiring to watch.” Their friendship thrived because they genuinely appreciated each other. Even as their careers took them in different directions in later years, the foundation of caring and loyalty they established would endure.

Lisa Marie’s Passing and Pink’s Tribute

Tragically, in 2012 at the young age of 43, Lisa Marie Presley passed away unexpectedly. Her death sent shockwaves through the entertainment world and beyond, with countless celebrities expressing their grief. Pink was profoundly impacted by the loss of her dear friend.

In a statement to Access Hollywood, Pink said she was “heartbroken” over Lisa Marie’s passing. She called her “a rare gem” and “one of the most special people I’ve ever known.” Pink recalled Lisa Marie’s kindness, talent, and strength, saying “the world lost a true icon, but more importantly I lost one of my oldest friends.”

Nearly a decade later in 2021, Pink reflected more on Lisa Marie during an interview with Billboard. She said losing her friend still felt “incredibly painful” and that she missed Lisa Marie “every single day.” While time had helped heal some of the rawest parts of her grief, Pink’s admiration for Lisa Marie Presley clearly endured. Their bond had provided mutual care, inspiration, and joy for over 15 years.


From struggling newcomers to established artists, Pink and Lisa Marie Presley shared a close friendship that lasted for over a decade before Lisa Marie’s untimely death. Though they came from famous families, they found understanding in each other as they navigated the challenges of building careers in the music industry.

Their bond was strengthened through creative collaboration, public support of one another, and genuine care, respect and admiration. Even after Lisa Marie’s passing, Pink continues to feel her loss deeply and celebrate her friend’s legacy. Their story shows how meaningful connections can form in unexpected places and last for years, becoming a source of comfort through both success and struggle.

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