Tháng Bảy 7, 2024

Discover the movie that still tugs at Harrison Ford’s heartstrings after all these years.

Harrison Ford’s Top 3 Favorite Films: A Speculative Look
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While Harrison Ford has had an illustrious career starring in many beloved and iconic films, he has never publicly stated his personal top three favorites among the movies he’s acted in. However, based on interviews over the decades and critical acclaim, some films consistently stand out as likely candidates for Ford’s most cherished roles. Let’s take a closer look at three films that are often speculated to rank highest on Harrison Ford’s list of personal favorites: Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

The sequel to the original Star Wars film saw Harrison Ford further developing the roguish but lovable smuggler Han Solo into a true fan favorite character. While Ford was initially reluctant to reprise the role, he has gone on to say Empire Strikes Back is his favorite of the Star Wars films. As the sequel that took the series to greater heights both critically and commercially, it’s easy to see why Ford would be particularly proud of his work in Empire Strikes Back.

In Empire, Han Solo goes from a self-interested smuggler to someone willing to risk everything to help the Rebel Alliance. His reluctant heroism and growing care for Princess Leia are on full display. The film also features some of the most iconic moments for Han Solo, including the famous “I know” response to Leia’s declaration of love and being frozen in carbonite, passing the character’s mantle to Luke Skywalker for the majority of the film.

While Ford found the process of filming Star Wars exhausting, he seemed to enjoy Empire Strikes Back more due to the stronger script and story. The sequel also gave Han Solo meatier material to sink his teeth into as an actor. In numerous interviews over the years, Ford has expressed great affection for Han Solo and pride in being part of such an impactful film. With its deeper characters, higher stakes, and status as a fan-favorite, it’s easy to see why The Empire Strikes Back would top Harrison Ford’s list of his Star Wars films.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Alongside Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark catapulted Harrison Ford to superstardom and established him as a major box office draw throughout the 1980s. The film was a massive critical and commercial success, launching the Indiana Jones franchise and cementing Ford’s status as a charismatic action hero. Ford has often cited Raiders of the Lost Ark as one of his most enjoyable film experiences and it’s clear he holds a special place in his heart for the role of Indiana Jones.

In numerous interviews over the decades, Ford has expressed great admiration for Steven Spielberg’s directorial vision on Raiders and pride in being part of such an iconic adventure film. He relished embodying the larger-than-life Indiana Jones, a character who combined intellect, bravery, and humor. The role allowed Ford’s natural charisma and screen presence to shine through in a way that captured audiences worldwide.

Ford seemed to love bringing Indiana Jones to life just as much as fans loved watching him on the big screen. He threw himself into the stuntwork and physicality required of the character. Off-screen as well, Ford developed a close friendship with Spielberg and George Lucas during the making of Raiders, cementing it as a highly enjoyable experience for him despite the challenges of filming. With its box office success, critical acclaim, and personal enjoyment for Ford, Raiders of the Lost Ark stands out as a film he would surely list among his all-time favorites.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

The third installment in the Indiana Jones franchise saw the long-awaited return of Harrison Ford in his signature role. What’s more, it reunited him with Spielberg and Lucas as well as his on-screen father Professor Henry Jones, played brilliantly by Sean Connery. By all accounts, Ford relished this opportunity to revisit Indiana Jones with the original creative team behind one of his most beloved roles.

In interviews after filming wrapped on Last Crusade, Ford expressed how much he enjoyed working with Spielberg and Lucas again as well as acting alongside Connery. The reunion of the principals behind Raiders, combined with the emotional through-line of Indiana reconnecting with his estranged father, seemed to deeply resonate with Ford both professionally and personally. He threw himself into the stunts and physical comedy of the role with his usual gusto.

Like with Raiders, Ford has said working on Last Crusade was one of his most enjoyable film experiences. He took great pride in passing the torch of the character to a new generation while bringing the original trilogy to a highly satisfying conclusion alongside Spielberg and Lucas. With its strong script, entertaining set pieces, and personal enjoyment for Ford, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade stands out as a film that surely ranks at the top of his list.

Other Possibilities

While the above three films are most consistently speculated to be Harrison Ford’s favorites, there are certainly other possibilities that may hold a special place in his heart as well. Blade Runner (1982), the sci-fi noir that has only grown in appreciation over time, allowed Ford to stretch his dramatic chops in a complex role. The Fugitive (1993) earned him an Oscar nomination and showed his talent beyond action. Other fan favorites like Air Force One (1997) and Patriot Games (1992) demonstrated his continued box office prowess.

Later career highlights like 42 (2013) and The Call of the Wild (2020) may also hold personal significance as Ford proved his enduring talents in his later years. On a personal note, films like Working Girl (1988), in which he starred alongside his wife at the time Melissa Mathison, could potentially rank highly due to off-screen joys. While he’s never explicitly stated rankings, it’s clear Ford takes pride in many of the roles that made him one of Hollywood’s most beloved stars.


Over a career spanning decades, Harrison Ford has brought numerous iconic characters to life in beloved and influential films. While he’s never publicly listed his top favorites, certain roles like Han Solo in Star Wars and Indiana Jones under Steven Spielberg’s direction seem to hold a special place in his heart based on interviews and accolades over the years. The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade in particular stand out as films Ford likely cherishes the most for their box office success, critical praise, and personal enjoyment on set. As one of cinema’s most popular leading men, Harrison Ford has left an indelible mark with many performances – but these three roles may rise to the very top of his list.



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