Tháng Bảy 7, 2024

Tom Hiddleston’s toughest opponents ranked: From Loki’s cunning to the Avengers’ might, who gave our favorite trickster the biggest challenge?

Ranking Tom Hiddleston’s Loki’s Toughest Opponents

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Tom Hiddleston’s portrayal of Loki Laufeyson, the God of Mischief, has become one of the most iconic Marvel Cinematic Universe villains in recent years. Over the course of his film appearances in the Thor and Avengers franchises, Loki has gone toe-to-toe with some of the most powerful beings in the Marvel universe. While cunning and skilled with magic, Loki has often found himself outmatched by formidable foes. Here is a ranking of Loki’s toughest opponents based on their power, abilities, and the threat they posed.

Thanos (Avengers: Infinity War & Endgame)
Without question, the most powerful opponent Loki ever faced was the Mad Titan Thanos. Introduced in Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos seeks to collect all six Infinity Stones to wield the complete Infinity Gauntlet and enact his plan to eliminate half of all life in the universe. At the start of the film, Loki encounters Thanos aboard his warship, the Sanctuary II, along with his children Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian.

Even without the Gauntlet, Thanos demonstrates immense physical strength and durability far beyond normal Asgardians or humans. He effortlessly overpowers Hulk in hand-to-hand combat. When Loki attempts to deceive Thanos, the Titan sees right through his tricks and chokes Loki with minimal effort. It’s made clear that Thanos could kill Loki instantly if he wished. Terrified, Loki surrenders the Space Stone to appease Thanos.

Their power imbalance is staggering. At full strength with the completed Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos grows to cosmic proportions and wields reality-warping abilities on a universal scale. Nothing and no one, not even the combined might of the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, can stop Thanos from enacting his twisted vision. Loki recognizes Thanos’ threat and ultimately sides against him, but it’s no question that the Mad Titan posed an existential danger far beyond anything Loki had faced before. Thanos’ cosmic power and mastery of the Gauntlet cement him as Loki’s most formidable foe.

Odin (Thor, Thor: The Dark World)
As the king of Asgard and the most powerful being in that realm, Odin, Father of Thor, was a significant challenge for Loki. In Thor, Loki is envious of Thor’s succession to the throne of Asgard and seeks to prove himself worthy in Odin’s eyes. However, after Loki’s schemes lead to war with Jotunheim, Odin strips both his sons of their powers and exiles Thor to Earth.

While Loki manipulates events behind the scenes, it’s clear Odin’s word is law in Asgard. Even imprisoned within the Odinsleep, Odin’s magic protects the realm from Loki’s rule. In their final confrontation, Odin effortlessly defeats Loki in magical combat and sentences him to imprisonment. Odin’s millennia of experience, vast seidr abilities, and absolute authority over Asgard made him a truly formidable opponent for the ambitious yet less powerful Loki.

Emotionally, Odin’s disappointment cuts Loki deeply and fuels his resentment. Their dynamic, with Loki forever seeking approval from the father figure he can never please, adds layers of complexity. While Loki outsmarts Odin at times, the Allfather’s raw magical prowess and status as king cemented him as a major obstacle in Loki’s quest for power and identity. Only with Odin gone could Loki fully pursue his schemes.

The Avengers (The Avengers, Avengers: Endgame)
Individually, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes each posed challenges for Loki. But working as a cohesive team, they proved too much for even the God of Mischief. In The Avengers, Loki invades New York with his Chitauri army but quickly finds himself outmatched by Earth’s defenders banding together.

Iron Man’s technological prowess, Captain America’s combat skills, Black Widow and Hawkeye’s espionage talents, Hulk’s brute strength, and Thor’s otherworldly power combine into a formidable unit. They neutralize the nuclear threat, dismantle Loki’s plans, and defeat the Chitauri forces. Even after mind controlling several heroes, Loki struggles against the Avengers working in sync.

Their teamwork highlights how even a gifted manipulator like Loki cannot overcome a diverse group with complementary abilities. In Avengers: Endgame, the elderly Loki from an alternate timeline also meets his match against the Avengers. While able to momentarily outwit some like Iron Man, Loki is no match for the combined might and experience of heroes like Captain America, who disarms Loki with ease. The Avengers proved again and again that uniting diverse talents could overcome Loki’s singular cunning.

Thor (Thor, The Avengers, Thor: Ragnarok)
Perhaps Loki’s most frequent opponent was his own adoptive brother, Thor. Their sibling rivalry and competing ambitions for the throne of Asgard fueled many clashes. In Thor, the brothers battle after Loki’s schemes are exposed. Though cunning, Loki is no match for Thor’s raw power and combat skills. Thor overpowers Loki with his hammer Mjolnir and lightning abilities.

In The Avengers, Loki mind controls Selvig and Hawkeye to draw out and defeat Thor. However, when the brothers face off directly, Thor again proves the physically superior warrior. Their dynamic shifts in Thor: Ragnarok, where the once proud and arrogant Thor has been humbled while Loki has gained confidence. In one of their most intense fights, the brothers battle to a stalemate, highlighting how their rivalry had evolved over time.

Emotionally, Thor was also a formidable foe for Loki. No one understood Loki better as an adversary, and Thor’s refusal to abandon his brother frustrated Loki’s manipulations. Thor’s unconditional care for Loki, despite all betrayals and battles between them, represented a familial bond Loki could never fully sever. Their intertwined fates as brothers ensured Thor would be one of Loki’s most persistent opponents.

Chitauri Army (The Avengers)
While not opponents themselves, the Chitauri army that Loki commanded and unleashed on New York still posed a significant threat. Comprised of alien footsoldiers, flying mounts, and advanced weaponry, the Chitauri force numbered in the thousands. Through his scepter and alliance with the Other, Loki acted as the conductor directing their invasion.

However, the Chitauri proved uncontrollable even for their master. As the Avengers disrupted Loki’s plans, he struggled to rein in the rampaging aliens and prevent civilian casualties. Once the portal was closed and their command ship destroyed, the army fell into disarray without further orders. This highlighted how even Loki, for all his cunning, could be overwhelmed by forces beyond his control. Leading such a vast alien swarm against Earth might have succeeded if not for the Avengers’ intervention. The Chitauri invasion showed that while Loki excelled individually, he sometimes bit off more than he could chew.

Other Notable Opponents:

Malekith (Thor: The Dark World): As the sinister leader of the Dark Elves, Malekith wielded a powerful reality-warping weapon known as the Aether. His dark magic proved a challenge, though Loki allied with Thor to defeat Malekith.

Sylvie (Loki): Loki’s gender-fluid variant from another timeline, Sylvie possessed equal cunning and magic. Their climactic battle in the void showcased how evenly matched the two Lokis were.

Hela (Thor: Ragnarok): As the formidable Goddess of Death, Hela conquered Asgard with ease upon her escape from imprisonment. Though they never directly fought, Hela’s power far eclipsed Loki’s in Asgard.

In Conclusion

While a powerful sorcerer in his own right, Loki found himself outmatched by opponents wielding greater abilities, resources, and forces. His cunning could take him far but had limits against entities like Thanos, Odin, or the united Avengers. Emotionally, no foe drove Loki harder than his rival brother Thor. But in the end, it was Loki’s own ambition and thirst for power that led him into conflicts with many formidable foes throughout his film appearances. For all his tricks and schemes, several managed to get the better of the God of Mischief through superior strength, authority or teamwork.



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