Tháng Bảy 7, 2024

Blast Away Boredom: Unveiling Why Michael Bublé’s ‘Feeling Good’ Reigns Supreme on Wednesday Nights!

Michael Bublé’s “Feeling Good”: The Perfect Wednesday Night Pick-Me-Up

Most people would agree that Wednesday is one of the more lackluster days of the week. You’re past the halfway point of your work or school week but still have a couple days to go until the weekend. By Wednesday evening, you may be feeling drained and in need of a mood boost. That’s where Michael Bublé’s iconic rendition of “Feeling Good” comes in – it’s the perfect song to lift your spirits on a dreary Wednesday night.

With its upbeat tempo, soulful vocals, and overwhelmingly positive message, “Feeling Good” has all the ingredients to turn a mundane mid-week evening into a more enjoyable one. In this article, we’ll take a deeper look at why this classic tune is such an effective pick-me-up song for a Wednesday night.

A Brief History of “Feeling Good”

Before delving into why Bublé’s version works so well, it’s worth providing some background on the song itself. “Feeling Good” was written in 1965 for the musical The Roar of the Greasepaint – The Smell of the Crowd. The music was composed by British songwriters Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley.

It wasn’t until a few years later in 1964 that Nina Simone recorded and popularized her iconic rendition of the song. Simone gave the lyrics a more somber and introspective tone compared to later versions. Her recording helped establish “Feeling Good” as a jazz and blues standard covered by many artists.

In 2011, Canadian singer Michael Bublé released his version of “Feeling Good” on his album Christmas. Bublé took the song back to its roots as an upbeat, optimistic anthem. His smooth vocals and big band-inspired arrangement brought new life and popularity to the classic tune. It’s his rendition that has become synonymous with the song for many modern listeners.

An Upbeat, Energetic Vibe

One of the main reasons Bublé’s “Feeling Good” works so well for a Wednesday pick-me-up is its inherently upbeat and energetic vibe. From the opening notes of the big band brass section to Bublé’s soulful vocals, the song exudes a sense of optimism and joy. Even just listening to the melody is enough to lift your spirits a bit.

Compared to slower, more mellow songs, the tempo of “Feeling Good” is lively without being overpowering. It’s fast enough to feel energizing but not so fast that you can’t relax and enjoy it. The rhythm practically invites you to tap your foot and feel the positive energy. This contrasts nicely with the mid-week slump and helps chase away the dreariness of Wednesday evening.

The lyrics also play a big role in setting the mood. Lines like “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me” and “I’m feeling good” reinforce the sense of upbeat positivity throughout the song. Hearing Bublé belt out those lines with such passion and enthusiasm is contagious. You can’t help but feel uplifted listening to such an unabashedly cheerful tune. The music and vocals work in tandem to boost your mood.

Familiarity and Nostalgia

While Bublé introduced “Feeling Good” to a new generation, the song itself has endured as a classic for decades. Chances are good that you’ve heard it numerous times either on the radio, in movies/TV, or covered by other artists. That familiarity factor plays a big role in its effectiveness as a pick-me-up.

There’s a certain level of comfort that comes from listening to a song you already know well. You don’t have to think too hard about absorbing the melody and lyrics – it all washes over you like an old friend. Nostalgia can also kick in if the song reminds you of happy memories from the past.

Familiar songs tend to elicit stronger emotional responses compared to new music. So hearing those opening notes of “Feeling Good” likely triggers positive feelings immediately. You’re transported out of your current mid-week slump and into a more joyful state of mind associated with the song. That sense of nostalgia and comfort is relaxing yet uplifting at the same time.

Fun to Sing Along To

Another bonus of choosing “Feeling Good” as your Wednesday night pick-me-up song is that it’s super fun and satisfying to sing along to. The lyrics are easy to remember, and Bublé’s vocals sit in a comfortable range for most amateur singers. Belting it out at the top of your lungs is incredibly cathartic and engaging.

Singing is a proven stress reliever that stimulates the production of feel-good hormones like dopamine and serotonin. Getting actively involved with the music through singing takes it to the next level compared to just passively listening. You’re fully immersing yourself in the joyful emotion of the song.

It’s also just plain silly and enjoyable. Who cares if you’re slightly off-key when you’re alone at home? Letting loose and singing your heart out to such an upbeat tune is a great way to loosen up and unwind. The silliness itself promotes laughter and positive feelings. Before you know it, you’ll be dancing around too without a care in the world.

Dance Party Opportunity

Which leads nicely into another perk – this song basically demands you get up and dance. That syncopated brass section and driving percussion just begs to be moved to. Clearing some space and cutting loose to “Feeling Good” makes for the perfect mid-week dance party of one.

Dancing has immense benefits like boosting mood, reducing stress/anxiety, strengthening your heart/lungs, and releasing endorphins. It’s a full-body workout for both your muscles and brain. Even simple movements can leave you feeling energized and happy. And dancing alone in your home means no self-consciousness – just pure fun and release.

The song structure also lends itself well to dancing. Those big horn hits and rhythmic changes give natural cues to switch up your moves. One moment you could be swinging your hips, the next doing a twirl or jumping around. It keeps things lighthearted and engaging as you dance the mid-week blues away. Before you know it, you’ll be smiling from ear to ear and your mood will be significantly lifted.

A True Feel-Good Classic

In the end, “Feeling Good” has endured as one of the most iconic feel-good songs of all time for good reason. Michael Bublé’s soulful rendition perfectly captures the optimistic, joyful spirit of the classic tune. All of its key elements – upbeat tempo, positive lyrics, nostalgia, and engagement through singing/dancing – make it the ideal song to chase the Wednesday blues away.

Just a few minutes of listening can exponentially improve your mood and energy levels. You’re transported out of your weekday weariness into a more cheerful state of mind. With such an effective and enjoyable pick-me-up so readily available, there’s no reason Wednesday nights can’t be something to look forward to rather than dread. Put on “Feeling Good” and feel the feel-good vibes flow!


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