Tháng Bảy 8, 2024

The Astonishing Movie Scenes You Probably Missed with Tom Hiddleston in ‘High-Rise’

“High-Rise,” directed by Ben Wheatley and based on J.G. Ballard’s novel of the same name, is a film that has garnered attention for its dystopian narrative and dark exploration of societal breakdown within the confines of a luxurious high-rise building. Tom Hiddleston’s portrayal of Dr. Robert Laing, the film’s central character, has been widely praised for its complexity and depth. While the movie as a whole has received its fair share of acclaim, there are several lesser-known scenes featuring Hiddleston’s captivating performance that might have slipped under the radar. In this article, we will delve into these hidden gems, each offering a unique perspective on Laing’s character and the overall themes of the film.

  1. Laing’s Dream Ballet

Amidst the escalating chaos within the high-rise, Laing experiences a surreal dream sequence where he dances amidst a group of air stewardesses in pristine white uniforms. This visually striking scene, reminiscent of Federico Fellini’s films, offers a unique glimpse into Laing’s subconscious anxieties and desires. As he glides through this dreamlike ballet, it becomes clear that beneath his composed exterior lies a man grappling with inner turmoil and longing. The dream ballet serves as a metaphor for the illusion of control and order in the high-rise, a theme that runs throughout the film. It highlights how Laing, like the building itself, is on the verge of collapse.

  1. Confronting Charlotte at the Pool

In one of the film’s tensest moments, Laing confronts Charlotte, portrayed by Sienna Miller, by the pool. Accusing her of inciting violence and chaos within the high-rise, their heated exchange is fueled by suspicion and paranoia. This scene exemplifies the breakdown of societal norms within the high-rise and the growing sense of distrust among its inhabitants. Laing’s confrontation with Charlotte reveals the psychological toll that the environment is taking on him and the others, showcasing his struggle to maintain a semblance of sanity in a world spiraling out of control.

  1. Laing’s Monologue on the Balcony

As the high-rise burns around him, Laing delivers a poignant monologue from his balcony, reflecting on the futility of human ambition and the destructive nature of isolation. This introspective moment offers a glimpse into his philosophical core amidst the external chaos. Hiddleston’s delivery in this scene is nothing short of mesmerizing, as he captures Laing’s sense of resignation and disillusionment with the society that surrounds him. It’s a moment that makes the audience question the price of isolation and the pursuit of individual success in the face of societal collapse.

  1. Sharing Wine with Simone

In a brief but tender scene, Laing shares a bottle of wine with Simone, portrayed by Luke Evans, on the rooftop. They discuss their hopes and fears for the future, providing a stark contrast to the surrounding violence and chaos. This quiet moment of connection hints at the possibility of human compassion even in the midst of societal collapse. Hiddleston and Evans’ chemistry in this scene is palpable, emphasizing the fragile nature of human relationships when everything else falls apart. It’s a testament to Hiddleston’s ability to convey depth and vulnerability in his character.

  1. Laing’s Final Stand

In the film’s climax, Laing confronts Wilder, played by Jeremy Irons, on the rooftop, attempting to prevent him from setting off the explosives that will destroy the high-rise. This desperate act of defiance, though ultimately unsuccessful, showcases Laing’s courage and his refusal to succumb to the prevailing madness. Hiddleston’s portrayal of Laing’s determination and resolve in this scene is powerful and moving, leaving a lasting impact on the audience. It serves as a fitting conclusion to his character’s arc and the film’s exploration of human nature in extreme circumstances.


These forgotten scenes, though brief, add depth and complexity to Tom Hiddleston’s portrayal of Dr. Laing in “High-Rise.” They offer glimpses into his inner world, his anxieties, and his fleeting moments of connection and defiance, further enriching the film’s exploration of societal breakdown and human nature. If you haven’t had the chance to experience these scenes yet, I highly recommend revisiting “High-Rise” with a fresh perspective. You might be surprised by the hidden gems you discover lurking beneath the film’s surface. Tom Hiddleston’s performance in these moments is a testament to his talent as an actor and his ability to bring a multifaceted character like Dr. Laing to life in a truly captivating way.

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