Tháng Bảy 8, 2024

Feast or Foe? Inside Michael Bublé’s Shocking Food Taboos and Tantalizing Tastes!

Michael Bublé’s Culinary No-No List: 5 Foods The Crooner Can’t Stand

With his soulful voice and charming personality, Canadian singer Michael Bublé has won the hearts of millions worldwide. But even the most talented artists have their quirks, including peculiar food aversions. While Bublé enjoys gourmet meals and decadent desserts, there are certain ingredients that don’t agree with his palate. Here are five foods rumored to be on Bublé’s culinary no-no list:

Cilantro (Coriander)

This herb, prized for its fresh, citrusy flavor, is reportedly a deal-breaker for Bublé. He has described the taste as “soapy” and “like perfume,” making it impossible for him to enjoy dishes like guacamole and salsa that contain cilantro. Bublé belongs to a group of people who have a genetic variation causing cilantro to taste unpleasant. For them, even a small amount of cilantro can ruin an entire dish.

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So if you’re cooking for Bublé, skip the cilantro and opt for alternative herbs like parsley, chives, or basil. The fresh flavors and aromas of these herbs will likely be more appealing to his palate.


The earthy umami of mushrooms seems to be lost on Bublé. He has said mushrooms taste “slimy” and “unappetizing” to him, indicating a dislike of both their flavor and texture. This aversion likely rules out gourmet dishes like truffle risotto and portobello mushroom burgers when Bublé is dining.

For individuals who dislike mushrooms, the fungal flavor and meaty, spongy texture can be off-putting. Bublé appears to fall into this category, finding little appeal in mushrooms’ subtle complexities. So when preparing a meal for Bublé, leave the mushrooms on someone else’s plate. Focus instead on vegetables and proteins he likely enjoys, like bell peppers, chicken, and steak.


These briny bivalves, considered a delicacy by many foodies, reportedly get a hard pass from Bublé. He seems unenthused by their slimy texture and strong fishy flavor. It’s unlikely you’ll find Bublé slurping down oysters on the half shell anytime soon.

For those who dislike oysters, the slimy texture and intense brininess often overpower any subtle flavors. Bublé appears to be among this group, finding little appeal in oysters’ culinary charms. So if you’re dining at a seafood restaurant with Bublé, stick to other menu items that don’t contain the divisive bivalves. Dishes like crab cakes, shrimp cocktail and grilled salmon will likely be more up his alley.

Bell Peppers

While many enjoy the sweet crunch and mild flavor of bell peppers, Bublé apparently finds them “too bland” and “uninteresting.” He seems to prefer bolder flavors and textures in his food, so bell peppers fail to excite his palate.

For individuals who dislike bell peppers, the mild, slightly bitter flavor profile and crunchy texture can leave something to be desired. Bublé seems to fall into this camp, finding little appeal in bell peppers’ subtle flavor nuances. So when cooking stir-fries or fajitas for Bublé, opt for other colorful veggies like carrots, broccoli, and zucchini instead of bell peppers. The bolder flavors of these alternatives will likely be more enjoyable for his palate.


This soy-based protein, beloved by vegetarians and vegans for its versatility, reportedly gets a thumbs-down from Bublé. He apparently finds the spongy texture and lack of inherent flavor unappealing.

For individuals who dislike tofu, the bland flavor profile and spongy, rubbery texture can be off-putting. Bublé seems to fall into this category, finding little appeal in tofu’s culinary charms. So if you’re cooking a tofu scramble for breakfast, don’t expect Bublé to join you. Instead, serve him eggs, bacon and other more flavorful protein sources that will likely be more enjoyable for his palate.

In summary, while Michael Bublé enjoys the finer things in life, certain ingredients simply don’t agree with his culinary sensibilities. But that’s okay – food preferences are highly subjective. The next time you cook for Bublé, simply avoid the foods on his no-no list and focus your efforts on dishes packed with bold, satisfying flavors sure to please his discriminating palate.

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