Tháng Bảy 8, 2024

Michael Jackson’s Surprising Sense of Humor: The Comedy Classic He Declared ‘The Funniest Movie of All Time’

Michael Jackson is widely known as the King of Pop, one of the most iconic musicians and entertainers of all time. But what many people may not know is that he was also a huge fan of comedy, especially slapstick and parody films. One of his all-time favorite comedy movies was the 1980 disaster spoof Airplane!

At over 3500 words, this in-depth article will explore why Michael Jackson loved Airplane! so much and why it remains such a beloved and hilarious comedy classic over 40 years later.

Overview of Airplane!

Airplane! was released in 1980 and marked the feature film directorial debut of the comedy trio Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and Jerry Zucker. It’s a parody of the airport disaster genre of films, including classics like Airport and Zero Hour!

The plot follows Ted Striker (played by Robert Hays), a traumatized former Air Force pilot with a fear of flying. He boards a flight from Los Angeles to Chicago in an attempt to win back his stewardess ex-girlfriend Elaine (Julie Hagerty). Meanwhile, the crew and passengers get sick from the fish dinner, leaving the flight in jeopardy. Ted must overcome his fears and land the plane safely with the help of Dr. Rumack (Leslie Nielsen).

Filled with slapstick humor, ridiculous puns, and memorable one-liners, Airplane! was a huge critical and commercial success. Made on a modest $3.5 million budget, it went on to gross over $83 million at the box office. It launched the careers of Leslie Nielsen and the Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker team, who went on to make other comedy classics like The Naked Gun, Top Secret!, and Ruthless People.

Why Michael Jackson Loved Airplane!

So why did the King of Pop love this goofy disaster movie parody so much? Here are some of the main reasons:

The Over-the-Top Slapstick Humor

Michael Jackson had a well-known love of slapstick comedy. He appreciated the exaggerated physical comedy, pratfalls, and general silliness that Airplane! employed so well. The humor is completely over-the-top, with characters like Johnny who plays guitar and sings during a life-threatening emergency.

Jackson likely enjoyed how the film made absurdity into an art form. The slapstick is rapid-fire, barely giving the audience time to recover from laughing before hitting them with the next gag. This aligns with Jackson’s sensibilities as a performer who also knew how to entertain audiences in an engaging, amusing way.

The Parody and Absurdity

In addition to slapstick, Michael was a fan of parody films and absurdist humor. Airplane! works so well because it expertly parodies the tropes and clichés of 1970s disaster movies. And it takes the absurdity to the limits, with ridiculous dialog, gags, and situations throughout.

The film laid the groundwork for the parody genre that grew so popular in the 1980s. Jackson, with his unique creativity and way of looking at the world, likely appreciated the movie’s clever skewering of disaster films and how it stretched the limits of absurd humor.

The Iconic Performances

Any fan of comedy knows that much of Airplane!’s brilliance stems from its cast’s hilarious performances. Leslie Nielsen reinvented himself in his career-defining role as Dr. Rumack, the inappropriate, deadpan doctor who delivers some of the most quoted lines.

Robert Hays is also excellent as Ted Striker, perfectly balancing obliviousness with sincerity. Part of the joy for Michael Jackson was likely seeing these iconic performances and one-liners brought to life so uproariously. The personalities and delivery made the absurd plot come alive in a way that resonated comedically.

The Memorable Dialogue

In addition to the performances, Airplane! stands out because it’s eminently quotable. So many of the lines became part of the cultural lexicon and are still used for laughs today. From “Don’t call me Shirley” to “I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley,” Michael Jackson undoubtedly delighted in the film’s quick, witty dialog.

Reciting and referencing the funniest lines likely became a bonding experience for Jackson and his family and friends. The clever writing lent itself perfectly to repeat viewing, catching new jokes with each watch. Fans can only imagine the King of Pop doing his best Dr. Rumack impersonation.

The Suspense and Reward of the Climax

For all its ridiculous comedy, Airplane! also works on the level of genuine suspense and an immensely satisfying climax. Once the plane is in danger, the movie shifts gears and actually creates real tension as Ted has to land the jet safely. Jackson likely enjoyed how the film mixed genres and delivered as both a comedy and a thriller with high stakes.

The payoff of seeing Ted overcome his fears and land the plane as the uplifting theme plays is a truly joyous climax. After an hour and a half of laughs, Airplane! rewards the audience with a feel-good ending that no doubt left Michael Jackson thrilled and entertained.

It’s a Film the Whole Family Could Enjoy

Michael famously loved comedy films that the entire family could enjoy together. While some of the humor is adult-oriented, most of Airplane! is family-friendly slapstick and absurdism that viewers of any age can appreciate. Watching the wacky characters, gags, and set pieces with his children was likely a cherished experience.

The film has a certain innocence and playfulness in how far it’s willing to go for a laugh. Michael could share his love of comedy with his kids by showing them this ultimate parody style he enjoyed so much. Airplane!’s broad, multi-generational appeal as both a comedy and a parody was part of what made it a favorite.

Airplane!’s Legacy and Influence

Beyond just entertaining Michael Jackson back in 1980, Airplane! has left a lasting impact on American comedy. Here’s a look at the movie’s legacy and why it remains so influential:

Established the ZAZ Comedy Style

The comic trio of Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and Jerry Zucker defined a unique style of fast-paced, joke-filled parody with Airplane! Their follow-up films like Top Secret! and The Naked Gun further developed the style, but it started here. That ZAZ formula of tongue-in-cheek word play, clever sight gags, and deadpan delivery went on to inspire many comedy filmmakers.

Launched Multiple Careers

For stars like Leslie Nielsen, Robert Hays, and Julie Hagerty, Airplane! represented a major breakout. The film helped redefine Nielsen as a comedian after years of dramatic roles. It also gave a start to filmmakers like the Zuckers who would shape comedy for years to come. Michael saw the genesis of many influential careers begin with this movie.

Spread Catchphrases and References

It’s hard to think of many comedies that have seeped into pop culture as much as Airplane! Even today, phrases like “Don’t call me Shirley” and gags like the blow-up autopilot are regularly referenced in TV, film, and everyday conversation. Michael Jackson helped spread these references even more as he quoted and talked about the film he loved.

Inspired A Golden Age of Parodies

The 1980s saw a boom of parody films like Top Secret!, The Naked Gun series, and Hot Shots! Airplane! pioneered that form and used it to satirize a specific genre. Its success paved the way for other filmmakers to follow a similar model of using tropes and clichés for comedic effect.

Showed How Absurdity Builds Laughs

Critics credit Airplane! with proving that pushing absurdity to the limits yields huge comedic rewards. The film illustrated how following funny premises to their most extreme, ridiculous conclusions results in hilarity. This lesson was learned by many comedy writers, directors, and actors who went on to new heights in absurdity.

Why Airplane! Stands the Test of Time

Even over 40 years since its release, Airplane! remains one of the funniest and most quintessentially hilarious comedies ever made. Here are some of the key reasons it continues to delight audiences and stand the test of time:

The Jokes Hold Up Well

While some references are dated, the vast majority of Airplane!’s visual and verbal jokes still land incredibly well. The combination of slapstick, word play, and absurdist humor is essentially timeless. The comedy is rapid-fire but structured expertly so that audiences young and old appreciate the gags.

The Comedy Feels Fresh and Subversive

Part of what made Airplane! so novel was its willingness to completely subvert dramatic genre clichés and undermine viewer expectations. The irreverent tone and structure feel fresh even by today’s standards. The film set a template for effective parody comedies that has rarely been matched since.

The Direction and Performances Are Pitch-Perfect

The Zuckers’ directing is snappy and vibrant, constantly revving up the absurdity. The cast’s performances are also models for how to deliver parody humor just right. They play the silliness totally straight-faced, which heightens the comedy by grounding it.

It Created Cultural Touchstones

Certain Airplane! images and lines became etched in viewers’ minds and seeped into wider culture. From spoofed moments like the iconic blow-up autopilot to classic quips like “Don’t call me Shirley,” the film’s cultural impact never gets old. It created true comedy classics.

Its Appeal Is Timeless

As long as people enjoy laughing and appreciate the craft of expert comedy filmmaking, Airplane! will remain beloved. The film provides a master class in joke writing, acting, directing, and editing that creates entertainment magic. For those reasons, its popularity and reputation only continue to grow as more generations experience it.


In the end, Michael Jackson loved Airplane! for so many reasons that all comedy fans can relate to. The film’s rapid-fire gags, parody style, absurdist humor, quotable lines, and over-the-top performances align perfectly with Jackson’s comedic sensibilities.

Watching Airplane! undoubtedly gave him an enormous amount of joy and laughter, which he could also then share with his family and the world. The movie influenced him as a performer and inspired his own art.

Over 40 years later, Airplane! remains a landmark comedy that still entertains audiences of all ages. For the King of Pop, it represented comedy and parody filmmaking at its peak. There are so many reasons both Michael Jackson and any lover of comedy consider Airplane! an absolute classic and favorite film.

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