Tháng Bảy 5, 2024

From Loki to Lost: How Tom Hiddleston Missed Out on James Bond in Three Simple Moves

As a huge Tom Hiddleston fan, I was thrilled when I heard that he was being considered for the iconic role of James Bond after Daniel Craig stepped down from the part. Tom has all the qualities needed to be a fantastic 007 – he’s suave, charismatic, intelligent and of course, incredibly talented. So when it was announced that Rami Malek would be the next Bond instead, I have to admit I was disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure Rami will do a great job, but in my mind, Tom would have been the perfect choice.

Ever since I first saw Tom as the villain Loki in the Marvel movies, I knew he had leading man potential. He just has that movie star quality about him that draws you in. And he certainly looks the part of Bond, with his tall, lean physique and angular features. Can’t you just picture him emerging from the ocean in those blue swim trunks just like Daniel Craig did in Casino Royale? What a moment that would have been!

Tom definitely has the acting chops to play a character as complex and layered as Bond. We’ve seen him play everything from Shakespearean tragedy to comedy to action, and he always brings such commitment and nuance to every role. He’d convey Bond’s ruthlessness as a killer, but also his vulnerability in matters of the heart. Because that’s the thing about Tom – he can go from cold and calculated to tender and romantic in a heartbeat. That’s essential for Bond.

And of course, Tom has already proven he looks damn good in a suit, as evidenced by his dapper turns on many a red carpet. Tom loves a sharp, well-tailored suit, which is practically a prerequisite for playing the stylish superspy. Can’t you just envision Tom sauntering through a Monte Carlo casino in an exquisitely cut tuxedo? He was made for this role!

One of the main reasons cited for Tom not getting the Bond role was that he was supposedly “too smug.” I just don’t see it. Sure, Tom has a mischievous twinkle in his eye, but he’s always struck me as very down-to-earth and gracious in interviews. Maybe his confidence came across as smugness to the producers, but to me, that quiet self-assurance seems essential for Bond.

The other knock against Tom was that he wasn’t “tough” enough for the role. Again, I have to disagree. Tom may seem like a gentleman, but we’ve seen him get physical in projects like The Night Manager. I have no doubt he would have trained rigorously for the action side of Bond and done all his own stunts. Tom has never been one to shy away from challenging physical roles.

And even though he’s known for being kind and playful with fans, Tom definitely has an intimidating steeliness to him as well. You can sense it simmering underneath. To me, that’s the perfect mix for Bond – the jaw-dropping charm but with a threatening danger always present. Tom is much tougher than some people give him credit for.

Of course, timing and circumstance played a role as well. Tom was likely seen as too high-profile at the time, fresh off his star-making turn in the Loki role. The producers probably wanted someone not quite so famous already. And Tom was wrapping up a grueling Broadway run of Betrayal during the Bond casting process, so his schedule was packed. But those are relatively small hurdles that could have been worked around, had Tom been the chosen one.

Alas, it ultimately was not meant to be, at least not this time around. The Bond franchise went in another direction, choosing the talented but relatively unknown Rami Malek instead. It’s an understandable choice that will bring something fresh to the series. But a small (okay, large) part of me will always wonder “What if?”

What if Tom had gotten the chance to infuse Bond with his trademark wit and intelligence? What if we got to see him battle charismatic villains and engage in blistering quips? And what if we got a love story portrayed with Tom’s emotional depth and vulnerability? It would have been glorious.

But I don’t begrudge Tom for losing out this time. His talents will certainly not go to waste. He already has many exciting new projects on the horizon, and I have no doubt he’ll get his chance to lead an action franchise someday. For now, I’m content to watch Tom continue to take on the most interesting, complex roles that come his way and get lost in every character he plays.

The role of James Bond would have been lucky to get Tom Hiddleston. He certainly wouldn’t have needed the role to make him a star – his talent and charisma have already taken care of that. But even if I was disappointed not to see Tom as 007, I’m still eager to follow the rest of his career. And who knows? Maybe someday in the future, once he’s a bit older, Tom will finally get that call inviting him to become the legendary spy. Because in my eyes, he’ll always be the perfect man for the job. James Bond or not, Tom Hiddleston is in a class all his own.

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