Tháng Bảy 7, 2024

When Icons Collide: Michael Bublé Shares the Valuable Insight He Gained from a Fellow Music Legend

Michael Bublé is one of the most successful singers in the world today, capturing the hearts of millions with his smooth vocals and charming stage presence. However, Bublé is quick to admit that he wouldn’t be where he is today without the guidance and support of fellow music icon Barbra Streisand. In a revealing recent interview, Bublé opened up about the invaluable advice Streisand has given him throughout his career, and how her wisdom has helped steer him through the highs and lows of life in the spotlight.

According to Bublé, one of the most important lessons Streisand taught him was to always stay true to himself, both as an artist and as a person. Early on in his career, when the pressure was mounting for Bublé to compromise his musical identity in order to boost record sales, Streisand urged him to keep singing the music he loved rather than chasing commercial trends. This advice to retain his artistic integrity has stuck with Bublé and continues to guide his creative choices. He credits Streisand with giving him the courage to take risks and try new things while remaining authentic to his core sound.

Streisand also impressed upon Bublé the value of humility and gratitude. She reminded him early on that no matter how famous he became, it was important to remember his blessings and appreciate those who helped support him along the way. Bublé says Streisand taught him to take nothing for granted, whether it’s his fans, his collaborators, or simply the gift of getting to share his music with the world. Her words helped ground him and provided perspective whenever success started going to his head. According to Bublé, maintaining humility has been key to keeping him sane amidst the whirlwind of fame.

In addition to artistic and personal advice, Streisand also shared plenty of industry wisdom with Bublé as he navigated the world of show business. She warned him that the path to longevity was not through quick hits but rather by focusing on quality work that would stand the test of time. Bublé says Streisand constantly pushed him to keep striving for greatness rather than settling for mediocrity. Her high standards challenged him to push outside his comfort zone and continually refine his craft. He credits her tutelage with helping him evolve as an artist rather than getting stuck in a rut.

One of the most valuable pieces of counsel Streisand gave Bublé was the importance of protecting his voice. As an fellow vocal virtuoso, she stressed taking precautions both on and off stage to avoid injury. On her advice, Bublé worked closely with vocal coaches to perfect his technique. He also adopted healthier lifestyle habits to keep his instrument in prime shape, which Streisand warned him was the key to sustaining a long career. Bublé says he might have risked damaging his vocal chords had Streisand not intervened with her preventative guidance.

In his recent interviews, Bublé spoke at length about how Streisand’s advice helped him navigate some of the more difficult passages in his career. When his son Noah was diagnosed with cancer at just three years old in 2016, Streisand was a critical source of support. Having lived through the grief of losing her own father at a young age, Streisand provided both empathy and wisdom as Bublé’s family coped with the crisis. Streisand reminded Bublé that his son needed him present and strong during this harrowing period. Her counsel gave Bublé the strength to take a two-year hiatus from touring to be by Noah’s side as he recovered.

During this break from the public eye, Streisand also played a key role in lifting Bublé’s spirits and encouraging him not to give up on his career. As he struggled with depression and doubt in the aftermath of his son’s diagnosis, Streisand urged him to have faith in his gifts and reminded him that people needed his music. Bublé credits her pep talks as a major motivator for getting back on his feet emotionally. Streisand’s support gave him the confidence to step back into the studio and onto the stage again when he was finally ready. Her belief in him as an artist re-lit that fire at a critical moment.

Beyond advice for weathering crises, Streisand also shared guidance with Bublé for managing the day-to-day stresses of stardom. She warned him about the pitfalls of the entertainment business, helping him navigate backstabbing agents, fickle public tastes and unscrupulous suitors looking to take advantage of him. Sharing wisdom from her own storied career, Streisand taught Bublé to protect himself professionally and choose his teams wisely. According to Bublé, Streisand’s business savvy and warnings about opportunists saved him from numerous bad career moves over the years.

Now a 40-time platinum selling artist himself, Bublé makes a point of paying forward the invaluable advice Streisand gave him as a young singer. He frequently reaches out to up-and-coming musicians to provide the kind of mentorship he received from Streisand. He advocates for new artists protecting their voices, remaining true to their own style and valuing artistry over commerce. Bublé aims to be for new singers what Streisand was for him starting out – a trusted source of wisdom and inspiration.

While Streisand played an integral role in shaping Bublé’s career, she isn’t the only beloved icon who provided him invaluable guidance over the years. Bublé also frequently cites lessons learned from musical patriarchs Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett, who took the young crooner under their wings. According to Bublé, observing these legends at work taught him life-changing lessons about connecting with audience and the power of showmanship.

Early on, Sinatra taught Bublé the importance of turning each song into an intimate, conversational experience. By watching Ol’ Blue Eyes engage crowds from the stage, Bublé learned to go beyond simply singing notes by infusing songs with personality and direct emotional communication. Witnessing Sinatra’s masterful storytelling through standards gave Bublé a blueprint for how to turn songs into cinematic experiences that captivate audiences.

Meanwhile, from Tony Bennett, Bublé learned the value of generosity and class. He was struck by how Bennett treated everyone with respect, from music execs to the crew members working backstage. Bublé says observing Bennett’s graciousness left an impression on how he strives to carry himself as an artist. Additionally, Bennett taught Bublé to infuse his concerts with spontaneity and surprise, like taking impromptu requests from the crowd. According to Bublé, Bennett’s influence brought out his natural showmanship instincts.

Bublé soaked up every ounce of wisdom Sinatra and Bennett had to impart. He is effusive in vocalizing the debt he owes these musical icons for the indelible mark they left on his professional development. Just as with Streisand’s advice, Bublé treasures the lessons learned from his experiences under the tutelage of Sinatra and Bennett. Their unique guidance has helped mold him into the consummate contemporary crooner fans cherish today.

As his star continues to rise, Bublé works hard to never forget his humble beginnings learning at the feet of legends like Streisand, Sinatra and Bennett. Their advice helped steer the early course of his now hugely successful career. Whenever he hits a new milestone or faces a fresh challenge, Bublé recalls Streisand’s urging him to stay true to himself. He remembers Sinatra’s lessons on connecting with audiences through storytelling. And Bennett’s model of grace, spontaneity and respect drives his interactions with colleagues and crew.

The guidance Bublé received from these music icons keeps him grounded amidst the whirlwind of fame. It inspires his artistry. And it sets the standard he hopes to live up to as he thrills sold-out arenas around the world. While impossible to ever fully repay, Bublé strives to pay forward the invaluable advice gifted to him by generously mentoring the next generation of artists following in his footsteps.

Bublé’s willingness to speak openly about how he benefited from the wisdom of legendary artists like Streisand, Sinatra and Bennett reveals his humility and gratitude. Unlike many celebrities, he recognizes that his success did not come solely from his own talents and efforts. His candidness about receiving guidance teaches a valuable lesson in never being afraid to seek out wisdom from others.

Bublé’s storied career is a testament to being open and eager to learn, even after achieving fame. His experiences spotlight the power mentorship can have in developing talent. And his paying it forward today provides hope for young artists that they too can receive guidance from seasoned professionals willing to take emerging talent under their wings.

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